There have been sniffles and sneezes chez nous. What I thought was a hangover on Sunday (we won’t go into that) developed into a full-blown annoying cold. Annoying because it’s not quite bad enough to earn me time off work to stay home and knit all day ;-) I have been fighting the bugs with sudafed and strepsils, and when that didn’t work, red wine. I hope to be able to breathe again by Saturday.
In the meantime, what better to raise the spirits than some completely unnecessary stash enhancement (yes I know that word ‘unnecessary’ will surprise some of you, but remember, I am She-Of-Little-Stash)
I have been resisting the lure of new Seasilk colours for an entire month. Today I caved. It was inevitable really. Surprisingly, the colour is pretty true in this photo, my camera and I have been on interesting terms lately but really what was needed was for the clouds to go away and give me some light already. It will eventually be a flower basket shawl (see, SOLS doesn’t buy without a project in mind at least), but before this yummy yummy baby can grow up to be a shawl, I need to finish three other shawls which have been commissioned by the end of the summer.
I should be knitting.
But before I go, remember I said I really liked this month’s Spunky colour? Here ’tis! (some of it)
I still love the colours, but Coopworth is not the softest of wools so I’m pondering what I’ll do with it. It may end up in a felted bag or perhaps a cushion cover. What do you think?
Must go knit :-D
June 7th, 2007 at 5:55 pm
Oh your Spunky Club spun up so nice! I think I’m just going to have to get every month as I am envious of everyone else’s selection if I skip a month.
June 7th, 2007 at 8:56 pm
Ooh, some very pretty yarn there….both the Sea Silk (I’m a sucker for those gorgeous blues!) and the yarn you’ve spun. Sorry it’s not so soft….but felting sounds like a good solution to me, at least if the colours will hold up.
I hope you feel better ASAP so you can have a nice weekend!
June 8th, 2007 at 9:04 am
i LOVE the Sea Silk…! It’s simply stunning. I’m drooling all over my keyboard.
June 8th, 2007 at 9:52 am
I’ve been trying to resist buying Sea Silk for weeks - but I’m not sure I can after seeing yours. Beautiful color. Just gorgeous!
June 8th, 2007 at 1:25 pm
Heheh, you know you all want some :-D
*dusts off ebil temptress hat carefully*
June 8th, 2007 at 1:37 pm
Hi Diane — you won’t necessarily remember me but I’m the Canadian who visited the shop last Thursday. Came in to buy some dpn’s and left with a library of sock books and some GORGEOUS sea silk. Glad to see you have also succumbed to its siren call!
I am still on the lookout for the perfect pattern for mine, but in the meantime I admire it daily.
Cheers, Soo.
June 8th, 2007 at 3:06 pm
I’m never sure of the correct etiquette for responding to blog comment q’s - but thought an answer here was easier. Yes, I am the same Soo from the Angel Forums. A mere 6 weeks ago I hadn’t connected the internet and knitting (despite being quite familiar with both) and now I spend far too much time on knitting blogs and surfing for ‘one of a kind’ yarns!
Happily it’s also led me to some of the newer yarn shops in London (previously I’d been limited to John Lewis and Liberty) so all in all I think the internet’s really re-energised my knitting. (And done extensive damage to my credit card.)
I’m hoping to join part of the London KIP crawl tomorrow. Perhaps I’ll see you there!
June 8th, 2007 at 11:10 pm
Vitamin C and chicken soup is MUCH better than sudafed, and NOT Strepsils - haven’t I told you sugar suppresses the imune system?
Difflam sugar free if you really have to. And don’t forget zinc.
And red wine does not count as juice.
Here’s a hug O. Take care.
June 9th, 2007 at 4:51 am
you’ve resisted for a whole month? Wow girl, you are amazing ;-)
June 11th, 2007 at 12:10 pm
If that’s the same Seasilk I have (a blue one) then it’s absolutely gorgeous. To look at, to knit with and to inhale (if you are now able to…)