My dear friend Moonrani over at Teareads has tagged me for a book meme. Normally I tiptoe around these things because, as a general rule, I’m not reading what I consider a ‘real’ book and don’t want to admit it to anyone ;-)

As chance would have it though, I have been ploughing through my reading material this week (not chance really, lungs) and have picked up again a thoroughly admirable book I started a while back. This is what I’m reading at the moment:


I actually know the author through a friend and my copy is signed!

On page 161, the fifth sentence reads: “Across the mountains to the east, on the Caspian side of the Cuacasus, a similar struggle was going on against the Russians in Daghestan.”

Although it’s not the kind of book I generally read, I’m really enjoying it. Pick it up from Amazon or your local library!

Who to tag? Well, anyone who wants to really. It’s too early in the weekend to be thinking of people. Page 161, sentence number five, on whatever you’re reading at the moment.

7 Responses to “Tagged”
  1. Hannah says:

    5. Repeat the movement with the other leg.

    I’m reading ‘Prescribed Pilates for Pain Management’ by Katie Ballard. I bought it on Friday at the Pilates Centre at the book launch - I attend two classes a week there because I have a degenerative condition of my spine.

    I hope the asthma settles down very soon Diane.

  2. MoonRani says:

    Hannah, I am interested in knowing how the Pilates works for you. I, too, have degenerative conditions in the spine,
    Thank you,
    Moon Rani

  3. Fiona says:

    Sorry to hear you’ve not been at all well . I hope we see you back to full fitness soon. Also I’ve just been looking at theinsideloop blog - it all looks very exciting!
    Fiona x

  4. Jacqui says:

    Sorry to hear that you have been poorly. Been meaning to text you but this past week has been pretty busy. I hope you are starting to feel much better. I hate it when my asthma comes, you just can’t do anything. Hope to see you this Wednesday at Stash. J xxx

  5. Kate says:

    Ooh, what a lovely new blog layout. :-P

  6. Diane says:

    Awwww, you noticed :-D

  7. Kate says:

    Meant to do the book thing earlier, too. My bedside reading is “Pride & Prejudice” (yet again)

    Page 161, sentence 5 of my edition reads: “Very odd! - And you are only the second.”

    Well, that was worth waiting for, no? :-P

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