Firstly, thank you so much for all your kind comments and congratulations! It is a pretty big thing to be published in Knitty and my mum is so proud of me :-D I hope there will be more to come there next year.

And now, a little Christmas present for you all. This pattern has been tossing around in my outbox for ages, being submitted to various places. I finally decided to just let y’all have it!

Sweet Bag

It’s a really fast knit, great for using up leftover sock yarn and filling up with choccies to give to people for pressies. you definitely have time to make a few before Christmas rolls around this year.

Download the pattern for free here

8 Responses to “Merry Christmas!”
  1. Kai says:

    oohhh lovely!!

  2. emmms says:

    Well, that’s the best Crimbo pressie I could ask for! I missed congratulating you yesterday due to horrid sickliness, but today I’m on form and ready with:


    I’m so proud of you. I feel so daft saying that, but I am. It’s such a good article! xx

  3. merry christmas says:

    [...] Merry Christmas! [...]

  4. Ali says:

    Hey, you could do that with the leftover Smooshy you’ve got!

    *runs away to hide*

  5. tutleymutley says:

    REad your article with great interest and awe: I’m a totally beginning spinner and my yarn still looks thick, thin and bobbly.
    thanks for showing me what’s possible. One day.
    wanders off into the distance muttering “keep practising, keep on keeping on…”

  6. mrspao says:

    Hi. It was so nice to meet you at Stash today. I am now off to read your Knitty article :)

  7. Spinning Fishwife says:

    I’ll have time to do the stranded bit next time, but just wanted to say thank you for the pattern. It saved me from Guild humiliation today!

  8. Lisa Jennings says:

    Thank you for the lovely little bags! I have wanted the pattern since first I saw it.Love it!

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