Many of you will have figured out by now that things aren’t quite what they used to be around here. I’ve mentioned a few things here and there on Twitter and Rav occasionally, but since I’m still getting occasional questions I thought I’d give everyone the full story in one go.

Almost a year ago I started increasing the level of my freelance work and gradually expanding the spinning/writing/teaching with a view to it eventually becoming a full-time career. In October I quit my part-time day job and started seriously into the task of growing the business even more.

Sadly, it was about the same time that my body started to complain. By Christmas I had a shoulder issue I couldn’t ignore and my back was having problems as well. To cut a long story short, particular issues with my body mean I just can’t keep up the kind of sitting still spinning for hours that I wanted to be doing. Time on the computer isn’t so great either. My Osteopath advised yoga and pilates to strengthen muscles that I’d allowed to become extremely weak (not good in my case) and the first part of this year was focussed on getting my body working again.

It feels great now to be practically pain-free but I still have bad days and I have come to accept that the spinning career is just not feasible. I also rediscovered how much I adore Pilates (I practised for years in Australia) and I dredged up a very old dream of gaining my instructor certification. That is well underway and will become my new day job, hopefully by the end of autumn this year. Keeping my body strong and mobile is the solution to my problems and making this my career will help a great deal.

The spinning will not cease of course, you know me better than that! I will still be teaching in London, and there will be the occasional article published. The part that I really can’t manage is the hours of spinning and knitting involved in releasing designs and testing for tutorials, although there will be new ones occasionally. This blog will still be a Knitting/Spinning blog, and the website will remain with tutorials etc. in place. I will no longer be trying to grow the business, but will be able to relax about just doing as much as I am able to and want to, without worrying that I can’t manage enough for it to be viable.

I hope you all stick around, even though there will be a little less traffic here. I love hearing from you and nothing is going to curb my enthusiasm for all things spinny even if I can’t actually do as much as I’d like.

Thanks, and happy summer!

Diane xx

17 Responses to “Explanantions”
  1. susetheslowknitta says:

    this must be very frustrating for you, but as one door closes another opens. I wish you well for your new career.

  2. Aberdonian says:

    Good luck in your new career! And I’m glad your body is getting stronger and you get to do something you like.

  3. Brigid says:

    It sounds as if you’ve made some very sensible decisions. Good luck with it all. It will probably rather nice to have spinning purely for pleasure!

  4. Yarnaddict says:

    Sorry ot hear about your health problems. I’m glad the pilates seems to be helping. I used to do pilates too but found it made my back worse, espcialy straight after class. Think I was pushing myself too much during class. I know what suffering from chronic pain is like, so I’m glad you seem to have it under control. Good luck with your new career.

  5. Jo says:

    sorry to hear things have been difficult for you, but glad on the other hand to see you have it all under control!

  6. Hannah says:

    Pilates is the best for my bad back too. I go to two classes a week, run by physiotherapists, and it’s the Pilates that has kept me mobile and out of a wheelchair. I swim as well, go to adult lessons once a week and practise three times a week and I love the freedom of being in the water, rather than limping on hard ground. (Nerve damage from the spondylolisthesis) I hope you can keep the pain at a low level and still enjoy some spinning. That’s why I stick to spindles, I can move about freely. All the very best for your change in career direction.

  7. Daisy says:

    I’m looking to re-start Pilates once I’ve moved. Good luck with everything!

  8. Heather says:

    Good luck with the instructor certification. I haven’t tried Pilates yet but would like to give it a go some time. Hope the shoulder and back are on the mend.

  9. probablyjane says:

    Good for you for making lemonade out of life’s lemons! Can you sign me up as one of your first Pilates students when you get your certificate?

  10. Lien says:

    How frustrating that your body won’t cooperate with you plans! But if it’s leading you towards an old love, that is great. I am good with yoga, but my core muscles have always been my weakest, and the one pilates class I ever took drove it home. It was embarrassing.

  11. Stephanie says:

    You said on Thursday how you’ve seen my health improve since we met just before Christmas: and similarly, I’ve certainly seems your spirits rise as you’ve taken this new direction. For that reason alone, I’m sure you’re doing the right thing. (Is Spinner’s Shoulder a proper ailment, like Tennis Elbow or Housemaid’s Knee?

  12. Jacqui says:

    Hi Diane, sorry to hear about your health problems. Good luck in getting your pilates certificate, can I sign up to be one of your students, might help my dodgy knee and at least you will get to see me:-). Apart from that, I hope that all is well. One day we will get to catch up. Jacqui xx

  13. Joanne says:

    I know exactly the physical ills you’re talking about! I’ve had to really be careful not to aggravate my left shoulder, in particular. (I’m left handed) As I mentioned earlier, I wish you all success in whatever you pursue! I will continue to look forward to your posts and beautiful projects, in any case. :)

  14. Cherie says:

    I’m in shock! I can’t believe you have to change all your grand plans … I was looking forward to knowing someone famous! On the other hand, maybe this means you will come home to Oz some day?? I’m being completely selfish of course, but I miss you! Hope you’re feeling better. xxx

  15. Amanda Cathleen says:

    ((hugs)) I’m so happy that another door has opened for you! I’m glad that your doing better, and that your still going to publish occasionally, still knit and spin. Really, I’m just happy that your ok!

  16. Carrie K says:

    I’m sorry to learn about your health problems but it sounds as if you’re well on your way to a happy balanced life relatively pain free. Having to cut back on your spinning a bit must have stung but it’s good that other doors have opened for you.

    That Madli shawl is gorgeous!

  17. caroline says:

    I’ve just come across your post here (via ravelry) I just wanted to say that I have been afflicted by very similar problems over the last 12 years and the physio visits are starting to ease off and pilates is taking over - it is a lifesaver! It also means I had to give up career hopes - for me it was garden design as I can’t lift and do digging etc for more than a few minutes at a time :( I can cope with knitting but the aches and pains definately make everything so miserable and depressing. Good luck with the Pilates!

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