With a good afternoon’s knitting today I will be able to finish the … (hah! nearly said it) that I’m knitting for a special person. I have been in a finishing kind of mood lately and at that point I will have whittled down the wips list to something almost approaching empty!

Therefore, it’s time to embark on a new project (or several) and I have the resources. Even though I have pledged to save instead of spend this year (see sidebar) I am well stocked in project ideas and have pattern/yarn pairs to keep me going for a good few months!

Here is the shortlist (in no particular order):

Central Park Hoodie stash

Venezia stash

Print o the Wave stash

Bayerische stash

Flower Basket stash

Being generally a realistic person, I feel it should be narrowed slightly further or I may be announcing my next FO in September. It’s a toughie though. These are all things I want NOW! With the exception perhaps of the Stole, which I thought I should include due to the guilt of having purchased the yarn in 2006(!) I want it, but I doubt I’ll have a chance to wear it until the posh parties come around at the end of the year. Top of my list would be Venezia but I am still waiting on a couple of colours - I could knit the hems though…

What do you think? Launch in on something big? Or knit socks while I wait for Spindrift to arrive? Is this warm spell actually spring and should I leave the CPH (which I desperately wanted all through January) for next season?

Decisions, decisions…

11 Responses to “The Next Big Thing”
  1. Kai says:

    I would do the socks until the Spindrift turns up. Only because if you start Venezia and finish the hems before your other yarn turns up, you’ll have to put it aside and lose the flow of knitting.. you know what i mean! :)

    Socks.. then Venezia… and CPH for next season.

  2. amanda cathleen says:

    your CPH is going to be AMAZING! I love the color that you picked. I would start the socks, because, for me, they are the easiest to put down for a bit and pick back up. You have so many lovely choices to pick from!

  3. Auntie Noo says:

    “Is this warm spell actually spring and should I leave the CPH (which I desperately wanted all through January) for next season” ??????? ROFL - have you learnt nothing of our english seasons??????????? we’ll have snow next month!!!!

  4. Moggle says:

    Venezia - you know it makes sense!

  5. Diane says:

    ” ??????? ROFL - have you learnt nothing of our english seasons??????????? we’ll have snow next month!!!! ”

    Hmmm. Maybe I should be winding Classy!

    I finished the other thing :-D and have cast on for the socks! I may start the CPH too as the Venezia yarn is going to be a couple of weeks at least :-(

  6. Kate says:

    *is special* :-D

    I printed off the CPH pattern yesterday (I have ink!) because it’s been calling to me more and more ever since I vowed to only knit lace this year. You know you’ll get heaps of wear from it and it’ll be a really quick project, too. Well, compared to Venezia, that is… ;-)

  7. Ali says:

    Oooh, given the speed at which you knit, get on with the CPH and and before you know it you’ll have all the colours you need to do Venezia.

    And yes, I know you have the right Spindrift to cast the thing on, but you know… ;)

  8. Emilee says:

    I’m voting for Venezia, but I’m selfish. I’m working up the courage to make it myself, and I’d be excited to see yours!

  9. Joanne says:

    Start two. At least. I find new projects are the best way to get through a cold season indoors, or any kind of hard time. That way, you can go back and forth and maintain enthusiasm. I say this because I keep starting new things myself–my thermal sweater is taking forever! I’ve lost the enthusiastic spark!

  10. Carrie K says:

    Start them all?

    And I’m sorry to be late on prayers for your mom, stepdad & sister and will be adding mine - and also hoping that the worst is over.

  11. Rebecca says:

    I am going to vote for Venezia because I really love that pattern but don’t think I am capable of it so I like to live vicariously through braver knitters than I!

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