Well, it’s been ten days already - I can’t believe the time has gone by so quickly. I’ve managed to get quite a bit of spinning done, and have been working through a large pile of weaving books. Having Hope just needs another read-through and the maths checked and should be up tomorrow.

In-between-times I’ve been playing with the kitten and hanging out with my brothers who were both visiting this week - the first time all the family’s been at home at the same time since Shannon was married nearly 5 years ago! We dressed in our finest and had some family portraits done yesterday - It’s very difficult to get six people all smiling and not blinking at the same time!

I’m planning a couple of trips to Melbourne to catch up with friends but mostly I’ll be at the farm. Mum and I have set up a corner of the enclosed front verandah with spinning wheels and CD-player and a table for our cups of tea. We sit out there quite cosily, with Margie occasionally joining us with her knitting. From my chair there at my wheel I have a view out over the garden - full of roses in bloom - and the farm. The alpacas wander past occasionally and the goats try to jump the fence. It’s so tranquil and relaxed it’s hard to remember that I have work to do, and that I eventually have to return to the bustle of London.

We’re also getting the shed organised - the shed that’s approximately the same size as my flat (so, so jealous!). The ceiling is done, and we can start setting things up - not everything though as we have to get lining on the walls still. There are lights and power on though, and we’ve been planning the layout and trying to track down some people with muscles enough to move the rug loom.

Alan is doing well, and starting another round of treatment soon. He is able to get out and get quite a lot of things done on the farm - discovering ingenious ways of managing tasks which are difficult with his lowered energy and limited use of one arm. The socks fit, and the only problem now is pinning him down for long enough to get his boots off!

Hope to have photos next time - they take so long to upload on dial-up I haven’t bothered this time but will do soon.


5 Responses to “Catching Up”
  1. Heather says:

    Glad to hear that Alan is doing well, and that you arrived safetly. Looking forward to seeing the pictures! Given the rain we are having here I am terribly jealous of your description of your spinning chair and view.

  2. Kai says:

    *hugs* Good to hear from you babe! Give all my best to Alan.

    Sounds idyllic. Wish I was there spinning too!! :)

  3. alice says:

    hey chica - good to hear Alan is doing well. Love the socks,just downloaded the link!

    Big hug! speak to you soon.


  4. Jacqui says:

    Hey Diane, good to hear from you, been checking your blog every day since you left for updates. Glad to hear that Alan is doing well and I am continuing to pray for him. Weather is so crap here and hearing your description of spinning on the verandah does not help matters!!!!!! Will download the socks soon, they look so cool.

    Hugs and kisses
    Jacqui x

  5. Lindsey says:

    Great to hear from you! So nice to hear that Alan is doing well. I know I was amazed at how fast my dad got back to work & general activity after his cancer surgery–glad to hear Alan is the same way! We will continue to pray for him, and I will think of him as I knit the socks for my dad.

    I can’t even begin to describe how jealous I am of the spinning locale you describe. To be able to sit outside and spin, just relaxing and enjoying your mom’s company….it sounds heavenly! I hope the rest of your trip continues to be enjoyable.

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