Archive for October, 2009

Having a bad week this week has meant getting a lot of knitting done. Not a lot of homework sadly, but thank goodness it’s half term and at least I can catch up next week, and I don’t have to be in front of a class demonstrating Double Leg Stretch and being marked on it!

The Entangled Stitches Gloves are whizzing along and I have almost finished the first. I chose a relatively dark yarn, so I haven’t been able to work on them at night. But that’s probably a good thing, as my hands don’t really like the fine knitting for too long.


This picture was taken a while back, I have only two fingers left to do now on this one. Btw, I’ve never knitted fingers before - but it’s really just like doing lots of thumbs. The yarn is Malabrigo sock in Persia and I love it to death.

The Tangled Yoke is blocked and fits nicely (yay!) but is still without buttons. I was going to take a trip to Liberty and John Lewis this week but have been sat on the sofa instead, so it will have to wait a little longer. The Kind-of-Huron is waiting on me to figure out a problem in the pattern, so it’s on hold for a bit too.

I also finished another Tulip - for one of two babies due in February (hopefully at least one will be a girl!). The yarn is a new one that Stash has in, and it’s great - a wool/cotton blend called Spud and Chloe. It’s really lovely to work with and the colours are fantastic. I will definitely use it again.


The only other current project is some secret socks I’m knitting, but I’ve realised that Christmas is not that far away so perhaps I should get moving!

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There has been serious decluttering going on in our little flat lately (no, I am not nesting…) and it came to a choice between buying more stash boxes or doing a bit of a clear-out. As Ikea is quite far away, I have listed a bunch of stuff on my Ravelry sale/trade page, here’s a few:





There are prices, but I would consider swaps, or reasonable offers (eg. if you wanted more than one thing.)


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Tangled Yoke is my first grown-up cardigan, and this might be surprising, but I’ve never had to make buttonholes that were more than just a yarn over, and I’ve never had the excitement of choosing proper buttons for something that I intend to wear and love myself - it’s kind of fun!

I knew I didn’t have eight of anything, but I dug through my button box to see what sorts of colours might go with the Felted Tweed. When I first started thinking about buttons I had the idea of getting little brass ones and having found one in the box, I’m pretty sold on it. It really picks out the little flecks of orangey brown here and there in the tweed. I like the two other darker styles, they’ll be fall-back options (although I’m pretty sure they came from my grandmother and I have no idea if I’ll find anything similar). I think the other pale one is just a bit pale. Suggestions?


Still on the theme of Felted-Tweed-is-OMG-amazing-and-I-never-want-to-knit-with-anything-else-ever-especially-if-it’s-colourwork, having finished TY I’m now allowed to (properly) start on my yoked sweater (I did the collar already last week, couldn’t help it), which is based on Brooklyn Tweed’s Huron.


I’m amazed at how fast it’s going, the first couple of inches of colourwork only took me a couple of hours. I’ve just increased sharply to 240sts though, so the next pattern will be slower! I’d probably get it done even faster if I didn’t keep stopping to pet it…

Oh and did I mention that Felted Tweed in colourwork is pretty darned amazing? I may give up chocolate for it.

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The White Tiger The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga

This was a great book, but not a style I would tend to re-read, a bit too dismal for fun. Worth visiting once though.

View all my reviews >>

I’m now reading The Divine Comedy: Hell

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