The Swatch

Part two is ready :-D As I thought people would want to print off the instructions and the chart, I have made it a pdf and you can download it from here.

Here’s my swatch so far:


I’ll give you all a couple of weeks to knit the swatch … I’ll be away on the weekend of the 25th so how does Sept 1st and 2nd sound for steeking days? Or will you be ready sooner?

Good Luck!!

For the knit-a-long and ongoing discussion click here

5 Responses to “The Steek-a-Long: Part 2”
  1. Donyale Grant says:


  2. Lin says:

    What a brilliant idea, I missed the start but I am going to give this a go! I may not make it for any deadlines as we are going away but what a great way to face the demon steeking!

  3. Kai says:

    2 weeks is great. Gives me time to get the nerves and courage under control!! :)

  4. Thursday’s Links - Toe Up Socks and Steek-a-long and Yarnival. « Indulging my Inner Knitter (Mog’s Blog) says:

    [...] I am going to try another new thing - steeking is really interesting but like nothing I have every done before so I am going to do a Steek-a-long. Should be really good fun….off to hunt through my stash for appropriate cutting up yarns. [...]

  5. cairi says:

    yeh that lets me get kids settled into school time schedual again etc :)