
When did I last finish something? If you click on the ‘Finished objects’ category I think you get the beginning of February. Then there was Bronte’s Mitts which somehow never made it up here, you can see them over here. And I finished a pair of socks which I haven’t got around to photgraphing, oh and a teddy bear sweater (incidentally, that was for a finishing class). I guess it’s more than I think. Trouble is, a lot of things get either gifted or left at work so it seems that there’s nothing around.

I seem to be pulling in two directions at the moment between process and product. I tell myself that I’m a process knitter - I’m pretty sure I am - recent evidence being that I frogged all three balls knitted so far of the Blue Sky Shrug and started again from scratch with a completely different pattern. Hey, it’s really nice yarn to knit and I know I’m going to like this design better…

There’s such glory in a finished item though. There’s the moment of snipping the last darned-in end and smoothing it out on your lap and saying “aaaah”. Then there’s the running around to husband/flatmates/blog/forum/strangers walking past the front door saying “looky what I made!”. Then there’s the first wearing, preferably at a Stitch ‘n Bitch or other knitting-related event where you can say “What, this, yes I did make it actually, feel free to tell me how amazing I am”. All these things are really cool.

So occasionally I get a bit frustrated with my tendency to restart, unpull, deviate from and put aside for something else. Ocasionally I just want to finish something and wear it and strike it from the list. “Aha!”, you say, “Diane’s about to make a declaration not to start anything new until she’s finished some things”.

Sorry, not today. I am coming to know myself too well. Every time I make declarations they collapse into a screaming heap as soon as I walk past some Koigu. And I just bought a bamboo, koigu-sized crochet hook especially for the flight next week (just try and take that off me, go on!). Instead, I would be very appreciative of your suggestions for finding more knitting time in the day. An extra 27 hours or so would be good.

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P.S. To those of you who are becoming bored with my current Koigu obsession, I do apologise. I expect I will get over it someday.

6 Responses to “Monday Musings”
  1. Sue says:

    You must never ever ever try to get over a Koigu obsession!

    Goodness me! Whatever are you thinking of?


  2. Fiona says:

    Having finished my Koigu Gypsy Shawl and now feeling bereft (even though I love it!) I quite understand your obsession. Expect to see me lurking around the shelves at Stash on Wednesday …..

  3. Wibbo says:

    As someone who walked round Ally Pally a couple of years ago muttering ‘Koigu, Koigu, where’s the Koigu?’ for several hours, I share your obsession…

  4. cairi says:

    dont EVER say sorry for the koigu lovin…ever!!! LOL!!!!

  5. Kay Anne says:

    So occasionally I get a bit frustrated with my tendency to restart, unpull, deviate from and put aside for something else. Ocasionally I just want to finish something and wear it and strike it from the list.

    ME. TOO. I’d much rather frog and reknit until something comes out the way I want it to than to finish something I’m not altogether pleased with just to have a finished object.

    Definitely frustrating, occasionally, though.

    Mmm. Koigu. Gorgeousness. Someday I shall have an entire shelf set of Koigu in every colour. And hey, if you really like Koigu, I just got some skeins of Claudia HandPainted this morning and it’s very similar.

  6. Diane says:

    I am never going to apologise for Koigu again.

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