Yep, three, no less :-) I’ve been industrious.
First up, which you saw a bit of last week, is the MIL Swallowtail:
This is my second Swallowtail and definitely won’t be the last. It’s knitted from Live2Knit Marlene yarn, a merino/silk laceweight. I used a 3.5mm needle and didn’t do any extra pattern repeats - although I could have, I had 20g left over from the 50g skein.
On Saturday I got a bit tired of all the spinning (still on the gold spider hair) and I whipped up a quickie scarf. A long long time ago, I bought this yarn and thought I’d maybe do something with it, a slightly less long time ago Kate knitted me a hat. There was still loads left over and when I started weaving this year it occurred to me that it might work well in a woven scarf.
It did! I’m hoping it will bloom a little more when finished, I haven’t been able to wash it yet as there’s nowhere atm to get it dry. It was also my first attempt at a pattern (other than stripes). The motif is called ‘Spanish Lace’ and I found it in this article in Weavezine. If you’re a weaver, or thinking about becoming one, definitely check out this magazine - it’s fab!
Finally, I cast off last night on the Hopscotch Socks, the fifth instalment from this year’s Sock(topus) Club. It was a fun pattern and I finished just in time to receive the last parcel - hopefully out next week!
The yarn is from Brooklyn Handspun and was great to knit with. I might have to have a prod of the other colours when I visit Alice at the shop later today!
November 11th, 2008 at 1:48 pm
Gorgeous projects! The shawl is amazing - I love the yarn and color. The scarf and socks are so pretty - and I can’t believe how fast you get things done!
November 11th, 2008 at 4:28 pm
Wow - everything is gorgeous but those socks make me want to pull them through the computer screen and put them on!
November 11th, 2008 at 6:42 pm
Oh my! All are so beautiful!
November 11th, 2008 at 10:42 pm
Once again you help me out inadvertantly. I have been wondering about weaving and different project ideas and then you show me WeaveZine - don’t know why I hadn’t found it before. Yahoo.
November 14th, 2008 at 4:56 am
I’m impressed! And looking forward to more browsing on Weavezine.