At the beginning of this week I made a list of things to do. Not work, just stuff, like ‘knit so-and-so’ but apparantly holiday mode had settled in deeper than I thought. It has been a week of playing around with new projects, reading, watching endless episodes of old TV shows and basically letting everything else slide. It was great!

However, after Mum’s comment yesterday that there hadn’t been anything appearing on the blog lately, I thought I’d pull myself together and get to some stuff (although I am still in my pyjamas and only likely to swap them for yoga clothes today).


I finally got around to photographing my Christmas haul (there’s some things still to come I think, Amanda, don’t worry - I haven’t posted yours yet either!).

Fibre, and fibre…



These have been in my eye at Alice’s since they first arrived, and it appears that adding them to my wishlist was a cunning plan (thanks Mum!).

Also chosen from my wishlist: Sheepaints Marisilk yarn (this is similar to Seasilk and very lush) in my perfect colour!


And Malabrig(i)o sock yarn,


It’s already wound up and as soon as I finish my current sock I’ll be casting on.

Finally the most gorgeous shawl pin from Moving Mud - which Alice hid away, letting me believe that someone else had bought it! She can be very sneaky :-D


Then there were books:


Already read!

And I have a pair of socks somewhere, perhaps in the wash - I was wearing them for Christmas. You can see them on Kate’s blog here. They fit perfectly and I love the yarn (Hazelknits), I have some to knit up that I must get around to starting.

I also received some cash from my MIL - she anticipated me spending it on fibrey stuff, but I figured I was pretty well-stocked so I treated myself to the complete box set of The West Wing which (on sale) happened to be the exact right price.

Finally, you already saw the yarn that Kai gave me for Christmas, I cast it on on Christmas Eve and it has been my festive season knit (well, along with the four other projects I started in the last week as well!).

Here’s a glimpse:


Lace looks rubbish before blocking so you’ll have to wait till it’s finished to see any more!

- - - - -

Looking ahead…

2008 seems to have been the year of small projects. 11 pairs of socks, 7 scarves, 2 small shawls, 4 hats, 2 baby jackets and 2 pairs of mittens. The only other thing on my ‘finished 2008′ Flickr set (and anything that isn’t on there is doomed to be forgotten forever) is Maude, which doesn’t really count as I knitted 90% of it in 2007.

In 2009 I am determined to complete some bigger things, maybe even finish off the Central Park Hoodie, or Hey Teach which are both within a hair’s breadth of being done (hahaha - I kill me). Seriously though, I am setting three major completion goals this year:

1) Finish a handspun colourwork vest (that will be the Deep-v Argyle)
2) Finish a fullsized (i.e. long-sleeved) handspun sweater
3) Finish (at least) one small and one large handspun shawl
I’d also like to…
4) Knit more stash than I buy (I am in a sock club and a fibre club - so seriously, what else do I need???)

Completely unreasonable? I don’t think so, I’ll let you know how I get on :-D

Have a great 2009 everyone, full of (natural) fibrey goodness!

x x x

8 Responses to “Holiday Season (un)Wrap-up”
  1. Jeanne says:

    Great fiber gifts! Love the new shawl - gorgeous color!

  2. Ruth says:

    I didn’t know you were a West Wing fan! I got Brian the box set for his bday and we’re finishing season 4 as soon as I get back. I love the Oceanwind colourways - fingers crossed Alice may have some left when I get back.

    Will you be borrowing the other 3 books now that you finished Twilight?

  3. soo says:

    Wow - that shawl pin is absolutely gorgeous! Must resist temptation…..

    And the blue yarn from Kai is a stunning colour. You have so many talented friends!

    Happy 2009!

  4. Lucy says:

    Happy New Year Diane! The pictures on your blog are always gorgeous.

  5. yarndancer says:

    Drooool, yummy fibre and yarn!! Lucky you with all your fab gifts!

    Your goals for this year are very interesting, and they don’t seem unreasonable, you can do it!!

    Happy New Year and all the best for 2009!

  6. Mum says:

    Shawl pin is lovely and great match for WIP. BTW, Do you still have your silver cloak-pin?

    I washed the fleece for Alice yesterday, photo on the way when I take it outside again. (I knew the trampoline had to be kept - it makes a great day bed, too)

  7. Aknita says:

    What a lovely shawl pin - and such lovely gifts all round.

    The shawl is looking good already, it is such a beautiful colour.

  8. Amanda Cathleen says:

    oh, my! I’m laughing so hard I have tears! It’s like my own little way of prolonging the holidays ;-) that and I’m a bit of a procrastinator that occasionally has a weak concept of time management. so.. your pressie, may or may not be about half way done, anything special you want from the states?
    btw, lovely fiber! It’s drool worthy! Fantastic shawl pin too! You’ve set some great goal’s for 2009, I need to get around to posting mine. But like I said, I’m a bit of a procrastinator and with the kids on break this past week my time management skills are shot. Thank goodness they go back to school tomorrow, hopefully then we can return to some form of a schedule!

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