This was my third visit to Wonderwool, and it just keeps on getting better! I drove up to Wolverly with Ali and Nick and we stayed with Nick’s folks in their lovely old old farmhouse (which is now in the middle of the suburbs of course). From there it was only a fairly quick run over to Builth and with the addition of Yoshimi in the back seat, she’d joined us Friday night, it seemed like no time before we were squeeing at the sheeps!

There was way more fibre there this year, which is good as I’d made a firm rule about not buying any more yarn. The rules about fibre and spindles, however, were (ahem) a little less firm, shall we say. I started off with a dash to The Natural Dye Studio, as Amanda was holding a few silk packs for me to pick from (thanks Queenie!) and then we wandered around and around only semi-systematically until we figured we’d seen most things ran out of money.








Top to bottom: Fyberspates Merino/Silk, NDS Merino/Bamboo, Silk Brick from Oliver Twists, Artist’s Palette Merino, half a Spindlefrog luxury spinners set (I shared with Sarah), and of course, NDS Precious Tussah Silk (mmmmmm).

This was totally Sarah’s fault, still not sure how I ended up with it:


A lovely black/grey merino fleece from the Coloured Sheep Breeders Association, which we also shared.

And, well, Bossies are going to be hard to get soon so it seemed an intelligent decision:


16g of lovely Canarywood Bossieness.

The best part of course, was meeting up with people and chatting and catching up and nosing out their purchases! I met Megan for the first time in real life, which was fab. Also connected with Kerrie, Helen and Lucy who crashed with us at the pub later on where we took over an entire corner and scared everyone away with the yarny activities (I still think the owner chose to come out and sit in the bar just so he could watch us in fascination).

Wonderwool was so much fun that I think that this year I really need to make the effort to get up to Woolfest as well. Are you going to be there??

10 Responses to “Wonderwool 2009”
  1. Carol says:

    Oh, do come to Woolfest! Lots of lovely spindles there……..
    And it would be good to see you.

  2. Aberdonian says:

    Such a nice haul! I’m sure you won’t notice if I steal the green one at the top! ;)

  3. Janis says:

    Wow, that Bossie looks so nice! I hadn’t seen canarywood look like that before, and now I’m intrigued.

  4. susetheslowknitta says:

    some gorgeous stuff there!

  5. Emilie says:

    Why are Bosworth spindles going to be hard to get soon?

  6. Helen says:

    It was lovely to meet you at last! Do come to Woolfest, I’ll be there on the Saturday, and I think Kerri’s coming too.

    And if you do fancy a weekend in York at any point, just drop me a line.

  7. Mum says:

    With so much fibre out there in the world, maybe I should stop being so reluctant to spin up my precious stash???

  8. Elisabeth says:

    Lovely fibres!!! But why will the spindles be hard to get???

  9. Jen says:

    Those are gorgeous, so jealous I didn’t get there this year. Are you heading up to Woolfest? If so how are you planning on going? I could possibly have my rubber arm twisted

  10. Moggle says:

    Great to finally meet you in person too! I felt like we could have chatted all day, but there was still half the show to see. I still missed some stands I think!

    I was so tempted by a fleece at the coloured breeds stand too.

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