The Inside Loop posted this morning with some fab Autumn patterns and articles.


Pop over and check it out!

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Thanks also to everyone who left birthday wishes yesterday. I had a great day, there were more cupcakes, and homemade muffins and squidgy parcels. I know there’s people who will want to see :-D so I’ll get busy with the camera later today.


5 Responses to “Issue three is live”
  1. Joanne says:

    Another great issue! And I’m not just saying it because my article’s in there…love all the socks! Glad to hear you had a super b-day. I wish I could grab one of those cupcakes. :)

  2. Daisy says:

    Ooh lovely issue! Fantastic sock patterns. Haven’t read the articles yet - I’m saving them to read with a cup of tea and some cake.

  3. Cairi says:

    GREAT issue again, you girls are doing an amazing job! Belated birthday wishes my dear, parcel is in the post, why am I always late!!!! That shawl is devine, and those cakes look great too :)

  4. Lucy says:

    The magazine looks absolutely great again. Congrats :D Hope you had a great birthday too.
    I know I don’t comment very often but I keep coming back for spinning tips so I’ve nominated you for a blog award ;)

  5. Michelle says:

    I am back after not having much internet access for 5 weeks. The site looks great!!! Sorry I missed your bday. Happy belated. Going to pop over to the IL to take a look now. Look forward to catching up this week. xxoo

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