Archive for September 30th, 2008

I’ve been informed by very reliable people that there may be bears at SOAR. Therefore, in preparation I have set to and knitted a pair of Scary Dragon Skin Socks which are guaranteed to scare away any large furry sharp animals that may come lurking around the hotel.


The pattern is Shur’tagal from The Inside Loop and is designed by Alice Yu. It’s a really fun knit - I definitely recommend it.

This is my first time using Oceanwind Knits yarn, and I luuuuurve the colours and the yarn. I need to get me some more I think…

Oh, and did I mention that I’m going to SOAR? (Once or thrice maybe over the last year.) About a week ago I looked around I realised I have NOTHING TO WEAR! And there’s going to be famous people there - so obviously I have to make a good impression.

So I asked the afore-mentioned Alice to help me pick out a lovely colour of Classy in just my favourite shades, I was thinking brown, I wear a lot of brown and it goes nicely with the white shirt I plan to wear under this vest.

Here’s what it looks like so far.


Not brown! You say? Very perceptive of you. I’m still not quite sure what happened - I think it involved yarn vault fumes. She needs to air that place out more often.

It’s going to be really nice though, and gets me out of my box a bit - I have been thinking lately that I need to stop wearing so many boring colours all the time :-D

This week I’ve been watching Heroes non-stop (almost through the first season) and working away at Meg - last in this series of Spin! Drying times and photography permitting, the pattern should be up tomorrow evening.

Here’s a sneaky hint:



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