The never-ending socks are finally finished. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to get cool photos of socks? I need to borrow some feet - I may have to wait a few days to get a couple of shots that I like. Then they’ll be posted here with the pattern.
Why never-ending? Well for a start, Socks That Rock Mediumweight comes in a ridiculously big skein. Maybe giants have feet that need 5 1/2 oz worth of sock - but I certainly don’t. But given that STR is so scrummy, I figured why not make the most of it - socks can be long, after all.
So I divided my skein in half and started at the toe and knitted. And knitted… and knitted. Eventually I gave up. I stopped the first sock somewhat short of the knee and still had enough yarn left to probably knit a small hat. Then I started the second sock. Halfway through the leg I was swearing at myself under my breath for making the first one so b*^”*y long.
They did finally get done, however, thanks to several episodes of House and a couple of Heroes. Mindless knitting at its best. The pattern will be a freebie and I’ll have it ready this weekend. Would you like a short-row tutorial along with it? I seem to have some matching sock yarn left over…
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One the new knitting front, I’ve started knitting up the emerald handspun I posted about here. It’s going to be a basic feather and fan scarf - nothing special, but I really wanted to show off the subtle colour changes in the yarn. So far I like it, although I’m hoping it will block out to be a bit more airy.
This yarn/scarf is also set to become famous very shortly. It will be an integral part of the Big Project. I am busting to tell you all about it but have to keep mum for a few more days. Secret-business-partner and I will be meeting on Monday and if all goes well we will be telling the world :-D
Until then, happy knitting.
November 1st, 2007 at 12:09 am
That handspun is just gorgeous.
November 1st, 2007 at 12:38 am
The handspun scarf is beautiful!
November 1st, 2007 at 12:38 pm
Yay for feather-and-fan! :)
That is some lovely blues and greens there. It can have my red firecracker Koigu feather-and-fan scarf for company. ;)
November 3rd, 2007 at 5:35 pm
Another secret? Agh, you know how I suffer when I have to wait - - *wait* - - WAIT - - for news!
(I am *not* impaitient!) ;)
Oh, well, your secrets are good ones, so I’ll wait and behave.
I love the colors in this project. They seem Aegean, somehow.
November 4th, 2007 at 4:47 pm
can’t wait to see your STR socks! I love the huge skeins, I can get a pair of socks for me and for one of the kids. (its the nerd in me that love the matchy-matchy!)
That scarf is going to be an eye turner, the colors are beautiful!