Archive for April 3rd, 2007

Although not in the way you might think.There were three parcels waiting for me when I arrived at work this morning. Three!

The first contained this which I ordered yesterday at about lunchtime. Go Amazon!

The second:


A pile of grey Polwarth, some kid mohair and camel to play with and the Easter Bunny popped by too :-D Thanks ever so mum xxx

The third was my fibre order from the US:


This is the first time I’ve ordered from Lisa Souza and I am very impressed. The colours match exactly to those on the webpage, the service was prompt and she kept me informed on the status of my order through several emails. That’s 2 hanks of BFL in Deep Sea, and 1 of superwash merino in Mardi Gras.

Methinks some spinning is in order for tonight!

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