Typical London January weather outside - wet (ish) windy, cold and grey. For those of you experiencing similar pooey weather I give you a photo feast. Only three short weeks ago and I am trying very hard to remember what it was like. (Hover over pics for titles).


We had just one night in Lorne, all we could spare from the whirlwind of visiting and house-sorting in Melbourne. It was brilliant! Lorne is about a 2 hour drive from Melbourne and we meandered down, stopping in Geelong on the way as it was pouring so we thought we’d get a bit of shopping in.

Diane Lorne


Most of the beaches around the south coast are pretty dangerous to swim at so the life-saving clubs are important and most people will swim between the flags where possible.


Lorne Seagulls

When we checked into our hotel room we were a bit disappointed, we had a lovely view from the ground floor straight out onto the carpark. Upon asking about the possibility of a change we ended up with this - a whole $20 (£8/US$16) extra for a view of the actual beach about 30 metres away! (You can see a tiny surfer out there - click to embiggen).

Hotel in Lorne

This is one of my favourite places in the world. The Great Ocean Road coastal drive stretches something like 100km and is just breathtaking the whole way. I never get tired of it.

Great Ocean Road

Only 2 more years before I visit Australia again…

3 Responses to “Wish I was there”
  1. DaD says:

    Are these pictures of you doing Lornedry in Austaralia. You did come at the best time and you are welcome back any time within the next two years. I am still finishing off the last of the beef and burgandy snags I had in the freezer after the barbeque while you were here. Looking forward to the first copy of The Inside Loop. Going back to work tomorrow.
    Love you, DaD

  2. cairi says:

    OOOh honey! I wouldnt ever want to come back here if I was there *sighh* I need some sun, it wont help you that we had such a rotten summer last year, lets start a good summer chant/mantra and make sure we get some much needed sun!!

  3. Kai says:

    It’s so beautiful… :)

    Hopefully Europe will have a better summer this year babe.

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