Archive for May 26th, 2007

Welcome to the Sunday Spin-A-Long. For spinners who like to try new things, even if only for half an hour or so of sampling. Each tutorial will cover a new topic, each one will have a prize draw open to all those who send in feedback.

Some guidelines:

1. This will not be ‘Spinning For Dummies’; nor will it be ‘Spinning 301′; it’s going to be more like “Hey I just discovered this really cool thing and I had a play with it and figured it out and wouldn’t it be cool if you tried it too?” I’m hoping people will get inspired and get spinning with something new.

2. I have a bit of a list for future tutorials, but I’m very open to suggestions. If you ask, and I haven’t tried it, then I’ll sample/investigate/ask my guru until I can write it up. 

3. If you send me a photo and comment you are a) entering the prize draw for that instalment and b) agreeing to have your photo, comment and first name/online name published in the gallery. No-one minds do they? I will choose up to 15 pics each time for the gallery (everyone goes in the draw though).

4. The draw: names will go in a hat, I will email the winner and ask for your postal address. I don’t mind shipping outside the UK.

5. Topics will mostly use fibre you will have in your stash (unless you neeeeed a bigger stash!) Advance notice will be given of particular needs.

6. Do not think of this as compulsory course-work. Join in sometimes or every time or just lurk around. Sample the technique for ten minutes or spin a 100g skein. It’s up to you.

To join in, simply download the tutorial, play with fibre for a while, send me your feedback to dianemulholland AT gmail DOT com.

Have Fun!

Want a button? Grab one here (but leave the bandwidth please)

ssal6.jpg    ssal3.jpg

ssal4jpg.jpg    ssal7.jpg

Buttons by Bronte: (who assures me that one day she will spin as well as she makes buttons)


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