The short story: Spin one thick single and one thin single, ply them together.
The long story … I spotted this effect when I was visiting Jan last weekend. The yarn was in a skein, a dark colour, and the bobbly texture was well displayed and caught my attention immediately.
Fast forward to Monday when I was sampling some Suffolk roving that Rachel sent me – I had done a bit of lumpy bumpy singles and wasn’t really hooked on the idea of plying it back on itself. Gazing around for inspiration I spotted some ancient Shetland singles which had been left on a bobbin at the end of a 2-ply (see there’s always a reason to keep it). What if…. I thought, and the new yarn was plied up and instantly declared a winner.
I played with crinkle-cut yarn (just like potato chips you see) all week …
Click HERE to download the full tutorial. Have fun, and don’t forget to send me your results :-D btw, anyone good at making buttons? I’d love one for the SSAL!
Don’t forget, for each entry received in this instalment I have pledged £1 to Tricoteuses sans Frontieres - show your support! Edited to add: Entries due by 9am GMT June 11th. SSAL #2 will be up June 10th.