It’s finally time to release a major project that I’ve been keeping under wraps now for quite a while. I’m really excited about this, it’s forming a large part of my revised business model and will be where quite a bit of my energy goes for the next year.

Spin! For Spinners and Knitters. How to Spin, What to Knit.

Spin! Series 1 - preview

Spin! is a series of designs for your handspun, but for added value, each one comes with its own related spinning tutorial. What you get is a whole project package - start to finish. The tutorials will range from beginner to advanced intermediate, knitting patterns are all beginner to intermediate - designed to show off your beautiful handspun yarn rather than confuse the eye with too much intricate patterning.

The first series of Spin! will be released this month. Four tutorials with acompanying patterns, one each week during September. Topics include spinning more consistent yarn, working with alpaca and a special dyeing project. I am just putting finishing touches on the first, which you had a hint of yesterday, and it will be available as a pdf download later this week.

I’m very excited about this new venture, I hope you are inspired by the designs, and gain valuable knowledge from the tutorials.

Happy Spinning!

16 Responses to “Spin!”
  1. Donyale Grant says:

    Looks fantastic - and couldn’t come at a better time as I have been wanting to find online tutorials for just such a thing!

  2. Mel says:

    Ooh, this sound very exciting. Perfect timing to keep me going after the class.

  3. Faith says:

    How exciting! I look forward to seeing what each series contains. =)

  4. Larissa says:

    Excellent! And as Mel said, perfect timing for those of us taking your classes. Roll on Sunday.

  5. Anna says:

    Fantastic!! It sounds very nice!

  6. Gill says:

    Great! More consistent yarn, just what I need right now…..

  7. Kate/Massachusetts says:

    This sounds great! I can use all the help I can get to develop my skill! Looking forward to it!

  8. Sussex Yorkie says:

    Sounds just whats needed. Looking forward to seeing this.

  9. Moggle says:

    Can’t wait!

  10. Anna says:

    Oh, this looks amazing - I’m just teetering on the edge of wanting to learn to spin. Good luck with it!

  11. sarah says:

    Now I see why you’ve been busy! Lovely idea and I look forward to enjoying it.

  12. Amanda Cathleen says:

    fantastic! I love how your mind works girl

  13. Jan says:

    Many congratulations. Even a technophobe like me is getting very excited. Clever, very clever, what energy and enthusiasm.

  14. Lindsey Ligett says:

    OOh, how excellent! I love the idea of combining spinning tutorials with patterns. I’m constantly looking to improve my spinning, but as I do I also find that I’m always seeking just the right pattern to go with my new yarns. It will be great to be able to do both at once!

    I love the hat in your first tutorial, but am even more excited about reading all the tips and tricks you offer. I’m off to make my purchase now, can’t wait to read what you have to say! :-)

  15. probablyjane says:

    Perfect - this is just what we need - many congratulations!

  16. A Crafty Lawyer says:

    Hi! Found you via Lime & Violet’s Daily Chum, and I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Best of luck!

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